Decimals to Fractions

What is a decimal?

A decimal is a way to express numbers less than one, or values between whole numbers, using a decimal point. The digits following the point represent parts of a whole in tenths, hundredths, etc.

What is a fraction?

A fraction represents a part of a whole and consists of two numbers: a numerator (the top number) and a denominator (the bottom number). It signifies how many parts of an entire thing we have.

Fast guide of the conversion:

Decimals and fractions both represent numbers. Yet, their applications vary. In this guide, we illuminate the path from decimal to fraction format.

Step-by-step tutorial:

  1. Begin with a Decimal. Every decimal is a fraction in disguise. Consider your given decimal.
  2. Express as a Basic Fraction. Initially, write your decimal as a fraction over 1. Decimal = Decimal1​
  3. Gauge Decimal's Depth. Determine the count of digits after the decimal point. This is crucial for our next operation.
  4. Formulate the Factor. Based on the count from Step 3, the factor becomes 10 raised to that count. This number will elevate our fraction. Factor = 10count of digits
  5. Modify the Fraction. Now, use the factor to multiply both the numerator and denominator of our fraction. This step aligns the fraction with the decimal's depth. Decimal × Factor1 × Factor​
  6. Simplification. The key is in distilling the fraction to its simplest form. Identify common divisors and reduce.


This method provides a clear route for decimal-to-fraction conversion. By integrating these steps with the provided formula. You can seamlessly transform any decimal into its fractional counterpart.

What is 0.375 as a fraction?

From the decimal world, 0.375 finds its identity as a fraction.

What is 0.625 as a fraction?

The systematic change of 0.625 from being a decimal to a fraction.

What is 0.875 as a fraction?

In the math, 0.875 easy translates from decimal to fraction.

What is 1.5 as a fraction?

1.5's mathematical journey: moving the decimal to fraction form.

What is 0.25 as a fraction?

How does 0.25 fare when converted from decimal to its fractional self?

What is 0.5 as a fraction?

A mathematical approach to converting 0.5 into its fractional state.

What is 0.75 as a fraction?

Decoding 0.75: a structured transition from the decimals to fractions.

What is 2.5 as a fraction?

To convert 2.5, focus on its decimal parts. The result? Its fraction.

What is 0.125 as a fraction?

Deciphering 0.125: steps to translate it from decimal to fraction.

What is 0.2 as a fraction?

Explore the conversion of 0.2 from its decimal form to fraction.

What is 0.4 as a fraction?

The precise art of converting 0.4 from a decimal to its fraction.

What is 0.6 as a fraction?

From 0.6's decimal state: A stepwise conversion to its fractional form.

What is 0.8 as a fraction?

Simplifying 0.8: understanding its conversion from decimal to fraction.

What is 1.25 as a fraction?

Dive into the conversion of 1.25 from its decimal form to fraction.

What is 0.3 as a fraction?

Math made easy: understanding 0.3's evolution into a fraction.

What is 1.2 as a fraction?

The methodology behind turning the decimal 1.2 into a fraction.

What is 1.6 as a fraction?

Mapping 1.6's conversion: Progression from decimal to fraction.

What is 2.25 as a fraction?

Decimals to fractions: a closer look at the conversion of 2.25.

What is 3.5 as a fraction?

The math behind 3.5's transition from a decimal format to fraction.

What is 4.5 as a fraction?

Delve into 4.5: Its calculated change from a known decimal to fraction.

What is 0.1 as a fraction?

Comprehensive conversion: moving 0.1 from its decimal origin to fraction.

What is 1.3 as a fraction?

A concise look at 1.3's transformation into its fractional form.

What is 1.75 as a fraction?

Guided steps to morph 1.75 from its known decimal to fraction.

What is 0.1875 as a fraction?

Converting 0.1875: revealing its precise fractional counterpart in mathematics.